Immigration Division 1 queue online is available now

lmmigration Division 1 Queue Online now


 Immigration division 1 is responsible for providing services for foreigners who reside in Bangkok only.

Available to reserve the online queue as following services..

·      Visa Extension

        Tourist Visa (TR6O)


        Teacher/ Student


        Visa Extension for business at One Stop Service for Visa and Work Permit,Chamchuri Square

·      Re- Entry Permit Except Non L-A (Only Government Complex)

·      Issuing Visa for Business

·      Endosement/Visa Issuing

·      Alien Registration

·      Permanent Residence

·      90 days Report (Except Non L-A Visa) at The Government Complex,
Chaengwattana rd.

·      90 days Report at One Stop Service for Visa and Work Permit,
Chamchuri Square


Making an advanced appointment (Click Here)

1. Fill out your information

2. Wait for a reply message via email

3. Print out a confirmation document from the email in order to submit by the appointment time

For The Rules of online appointment queue reservation Please Click Here

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